Thank you for joining us at Nantes !!

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants for your exciting presentations and discussions. The convivial time that we spent together will nourish our future collaboration with full of new research ideas. Have a safe trip back to your home and looking forward to seeing you again in the next core-to-core conference !!

Congratulations to the following recipients of the student/postoc prizes:

Batoul Almoussawi (University of Liverpool, UK) for her oral presentation
Antoine Le Gendre (ISCR-Université de Rennes, France) for his poster presentation

Also special thanks to the selection committee - Cédric TASSEL, Kazuhiko MAEDA, Simon CLARKE, Sophie TENCE

We've uploaded conference photos to the website gallery page, accessible when logged in with your Scienceconf account. Although we keep those pictures not visible to wide public, please let us know if you do not like to show up. We will delete concerned images in this case.

Local Organizing Commitee
David BERTHEBAUD, Divyesh PARMAR, Florent PAWULA, Justine CORDIEZ, Houria KABBOUR, Isabelle BRAEMS, Laurent CARIO, Mayte CALDES, Olivier HERNANDEZ, Shunsuke SASAKI, Stéphane JOBIC (alphabetic order)

Welcome to Nantes!

It is our great pleasure to welcome solid-state chemists working on mixed-anion compounds around the globe. As part of the "Core-to-core" consortium, this symposium brings together researchers from France, Japan, the UK, Belgium, and Germany/China who share a common passion for advancing the field of inorganic solids comprising more than one anionic species (but also open for homoanionic systems !)

Following a series of virtual meetings and the success of the inaugural in-person gathering in Oxford in 2023, we are thrilled to announce the second in-person symposium to be held this year in Nantes, a city near French atlantic coast.

The symposium takes place at the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel (IMN) from March 11th to 13th and is organized by the local team thanks to the generous supports of CNRS and other partners. (See 'Partners' page for details).

Participation is reserved for members of the  "Core-to-core" consortium. Attendees are invited to share their insights through oral presentations and posters. As an encouragement, we also plan to recognize outstanding contributions from students, postdocs, and young non-permanent colleagues. If interested in this opportunity, please register as 'student, postdoc' in the 'Registration' page.

We are all looking forward to welcoming you in this unique opportunity to share results, foster new ideas, and catalyze collaborations among our esteemed colleagues.

See you soon in Nantes!

Local Organizing Commitee
David BERTHEBAUD, Divyesh PARMAR, Florent PAWULA, Justine CORDIEZ, Houria KABBOUR, Isabelle BRAEMS, Laurent CARIO, Mayte CALDES, Olivier HERNANDEZ, Shunsuke SASAKI, Stéphane JOBIC (alphabetic order)


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